my little diary

stay if u like, leave if u hate~

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Location: Malaysia

lalalala~ proud to be me ;)

Monday, March 30, 2009

buhsan tahap gaban..


i'm damn sleepy,
mom call me about hundred times already,
but i'm still on my bed,hak3,
ngantukss siot,
i can't open my eyes already,
always like this every morning,
the thing that i really hate~kena bangun pagi,
dunt noe how to change it alreadyy.. : )

call my friend,dyla,
what can i only hear is her calerngtone,
i'm yourssss,
da 3 times i call her but she's not pick up,
bz kalah menteri,hak3,
yalarrr me pun satu call her pagi2,
for sure dy da pergi tunggu rapid,
i lied to my mom said that my friend didin't come to school n i dunt want to wait alone,
sorryy maa.. ; )
i noe u lurve me,hik3,
then ask my dad to sent me to school,
then sebagai balasan i have to pay my dad rm 10 for his minyak kereta,hak3,
serves me ryte!!
at least smpai skuwl..

i hour we have to stand up,
da abes dgr cikgu berleter masuk klas..

it's just not finish there,
first period still owkayhh,
i get extra marks for ea,
i should get ryte,
but teacher make wrong,
not only me but half of the class,
msuk jeww time bi,
the new techer is coming,
oh man!!
we all know nothing what he's talking about,
like HELL!!
the most funny one boys at the back of class laughing n make fun to that teacher,
they insult the teacher,
we~girls just laughing when heard what they say,
but it's not rude la like that,ryte..

then,banyak teacher ta masuk,
i'm just borak2 bout our family n lyfe wit my only dear fwen in that class,dyla,
then talk bout everything,
at last we r sleeping,hak3,
it's really damn bored day todayy,huhuw,
then klas abes kul 2.30,
smbg klas tmbhan kt skuwl smpai kul 5,
6 pm bwu smpai umah,
mandi + prayed + ngadap laptop,
the most stupid thing,
u noe wat,
open my laptop but the interner is still not there,
about 3 times then i just realized the suis for internet is not open,hak3,
wat the hell!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009





i hate this feeling

when the part they go from me

the part i have to be alone again


it's really damn alone here,

skuwl da buka,

exam pun baru jaaa abes

my only one bestie in this home a.k.a. my lil sis da blik ostel

mishhh her joke

miss to laugh again

not only that my only sweety kazen pun da tak dew cniey

we used to hang out together


mishhh it

then i have to go to school,

back from school,


n anything elsee..


sent me an angel,

that can stay wit me foreva,


I cannot find a way
To describe it
It's there
All I do is hide
I wish
That it

Would just go away

All the pain
I thought I knew
All these thoughts lead back to you

I can't handle this confusion
I'm unable
Come and take me away

I feel like i
Am alone
All by

Sunday, March 15, 2009

mishhh him damn muchy..

Hot Comments


i mish him damn muchyy,God
mish him like hell,
mish him so muchyyy..

y God this happenn to me??
he's not my boy,that one for sure,
he's my bro(even not my real bro but he treat me like my own sis even sama umo)
our relationship is really sweet,
it's more than boyfren galfren(actually i hate kapel2)
it's more than that..

i mishhh
bilew dy cari aku blew dy ada problem
blew dye drunk n he text me tell that he got prob
blew tengah2 malam 2,3 pagi he text me,
when we talk bout our lyfe,
when he advise me bleww aku rasa lyfe ney really useless,
i miss that time,God
i really mean it
i promise to u if that time came back
i won't let him go anymore..

his lyfe full of prob
n that thing make us more closer
i mishh his joke..

salah aku kwe dy pergi
after dy kapel nan my bestie
dy makin jauh
then he rarely text me
then he give my num to smbdy
aku marah dy
aku cakap if he dunt want me anymore as his sis
n after that nothing happen anymore,
he's gone..

i dunt noe where he go
dy da tak datang skuwl lamaaaa
n one day his father came to skuwl
i dunt what happen to him
i wish evrything goin to b fine
ican't help u,bro
i'm sorry.....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

da lama aku tak update blog aku,huhuww..

n da 3 ari aku tak g skuwl,,

aku demam teruk..

da leww sukantara menambahkn semangat aku tak nk g skuwl,hek3..

huhuwww,akhirnya cuti skuwl datang juga,
akhirnya ley gak aku rehat,
akhirnya ley gaks aku nk shopping2,huhuw
ley gaks aku nk lepak kt qb..

lepas cuti skuwl exam plak,
hate it..
sume skuwl da abes exam b4 cuti,
tapi aku pas cuti baru exam,
n now i have to spend my holiday just 4 study..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

damn tired!!




i got fever..

feel like want to died already..


this week is really tired..

i'm bz wit klas tambahan+2syen+xtivti skuwl+part time job+tensen=fever..

minggu ney kt skuwl,tiap2 ari balik lewat..
ari ahad aku balik tusyen kul 5
then siap2 nk g keja kt mcd(part time jewww,ingat nk resigned plak)sampai kul 12 malam bru lik..
esok pagi tuww 4 sure kena tinggal bas,hak3..
then,my dad larrr kena antar g skuwl..
tiba2 jaa ckgu ckap klas tambahan start so abes kul 5
sampai umah kul5 lebey,
tuw pun naseb membe tumpangkan,
tak yah tunggu rapid dahhh..

badan da tak sedap,
da lar tensen nan gaduh,
esok tuww terus sosehsoseh (selsema larrr,hak3)
esok tuww tak mai skuwlll,
da tak ley bangun,,
lemahhh siot,
tak ley nak gerak langsung,
cam nk mati pun adewww..

esok tuww skuwl larr even badan still lemah,
tapi yang tak best nyerrr,
tunggu rapid cam ****,,(haaa,kan da kena senset,hak3)
pukul 5 abes klas
5.45 bas tak datang agy,,
da larr aku dk demam agy+panasss cm kt padang pasir(cewhh,cm aku pnah p sana,hek3)
semantara nk tunggu rapid yg tekemut-kemut tu agy pukul 6 lebey baru sampai umah..

esok nya plak
dew kem solat kt skuwl pkul 5.15 bru abes,,
petang tuww aku deww 2syen,
so aku minta balik awal sket kt ustazah,
seb bek larrr ustazah tuww baik+lembut+penyayang
sejuk mata memandang,hek3..

actually,2syen akaun ney baru jeww aku g daftar ariniey,,
tusyen neyy sume orang kata bagus,
i can say half of my class 2syen kt sini,
gtc(promot skett,hek3)
memang bagus larr dye ajar+kawan sebelah aku ajarr
aku memang ley paham larr..

drpd ckgu kt skuwl ajarr
papeh tahh
ley tdo,hak3..
jaat aku kutuk ckgu skuwl
tak pasal2 naty tak berkat,
tapi bleh la,
cewah terus puji,hak3..

pastuw aku rasa skunk ney aku nk demam balik,
pagi net aku tak g skuwl agyy,
larhhh da mama tak panggey(not my fault ryte,hak3)
tua2 bangka pun still tak ley bangun snirik,hak3..

jap g petang aku dew tusyen agy,time ney jelaww aku ley ngadap laptop aku,huhuwww..

doa2kan aku sembuh dri demam yg mendera ney+ada masa lapang agy nk uat blog..
